David J. Walbert

David J. Walbert

Recent Essays

Travel in the Magic City

This summer I moved to a new neighborhood that happens to be much nearer the freeway that divides my city. My  house is less...

Rituals of Embodiedness

This spring I had to buy a new coffee mill. Facing the loss of both my electric coffee grinder and my antique hand-cranked mill,...

Limits and Conscientious Consumption

Lincoln, I was informed when I was nine years old, freed the slaves. I learned that lesson well; I was an excellent student. Lincoln...

Hospitality at a Fractured Table

“It sure is hard to have people over to dinner these days,” the food writer lamented, at a talk I attended the other week....

A Footloose Spring Day

On a gorgeous April Wednesday I am filling in as substitute homeschool teacher. We do arithmetic; we do a language lesson about adverbs and...

Homeschool Community

As a homeschooling parent I'm continually frustrated by the difficulty of talking about why we do what we do. Homeschooling is nearly always portrayed...