Philosophers & Saints

The Homeless Modern

The disposition that characterizes the modern mind--a disposition that favors as its ideal a skeptical “view from nowhere,”--serves to undermine the very elements that make community possible.

The Culture of Atomic Eros and the Hatred of the Church

It is time to consider what the latest uproar against Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church tells us about the state of our society. It is an ugly truth: the reordering of western society to the one imperative of sexual fulfillment. But, ultimately, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot, we shall die not of decadence but of boredom.

Christian Democratic Communities and Teleological States: A Response to God’s Economy

If your religion--or at least your concept of the moral norms of the civil order--lacks a notion of grace, it therefore also lacks a notion of gifts; all it can say is that some people are lucky, not that some people are blessed.

Hail to the Publican

A friend sent me the other day two issues of a little journal called The Publican of Philadelphia. Since I am forever worried that...

David Brooks on Phillip Blond

David Brooks offers an unstinting positive assessment of Phillip Blond's alternative to the current Left/Right alignment.

Place, Limits, Liberty (In That Order)

Harvey Mansfield and William Galston disagree about liberty; from the perspective that insists place empowers liberty, Galston has it right.

But I By Backward Steps Would Move

“The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulder to mount on."

Against Pessimism

Alexandria, VA My last post has led some to conclude that I am a pessimist. Even Ross Douthat, among the most perceptive commentators...

Ecce Homo: The Fleeting Treasure of a Mortal Life Within the...

Washington, CT. Puckish ad infinitum, I take it as my heathenish duty during this special time of year to preach at the choir boys...


Wichita, KS I write a Christmas post every year. I'm actually quite fond of this year's entry, with its reflections on ghosts and spirits and...