Tag: Edmund Burke

Has This Guy Never Heard of Downton Abbey?

Hillsdale, Mich. Jack Rakove reviews Yuval Levin's The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left (finder's fee to...

A Burke for Our Times

Edmund Burke was the greatest master of the English language, not even excepting Shakespeare.  It is no doubt a startling claim, but one that...

A Burke for Our Times

In a wonderful article published here at FPR a few weeks ago, Jason Peters argued that a proper education ought to provoke a kind...

A Burke for Our Times

Several weeks ago, at the web journal Humane Pursuits, James Banks published an article entitled “Community as We Know It, Not as We Wish...

Remembering Peter Stanlis

It was a dark and stormy night when I first met Peter Stanlis. The year was 2000. I had recently become senior editor at...

Attributes of the Gentleman or Mr. Darcy’s Rules of Engagement

Even in a democratic age, where social classes are fluid and poorly demarcated, the gentleman is characterized by these five attributes.

What is American?

While there is much work to be done and there are no guarantees of success, we don’t have to look far for the foundations upon which to build. They are all around us.

Making Progress?

Writing on the occasion of Ronald Reagan's death, the NY Times columnist David Brooks articulated the roots of Reagan's success in as accurate and...

Is Burke Our Intellectual Father?

Devon, PA.  Last week, Caleb Stegall's reprinting of his article on Community from the Conservative Encyclopedia excited a small objection that the genealogy of...