Caleb Stegall

Caleb Stegall
Caleb Stegall lives in Jefferson County, Kansas.

Recent Essays

A Patched Fool

Jody Bottum says the problem with localists is that they're all raving racists.  O goody, let's get down to brass tacks. It's bizzare how Bottom's problem with localism...

Searching for a Usable Past

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS.  My review of Richard Quinney's Of Time and Place, originally published in the University Bookman: The American experience has always existed in...

Brave New Techno Ignorance

I just deleted the following spam from our comment cache.  "We have just added your latest post 'Teenagers, Gratitude, and a Culture of Affluence' to...

Front Porch Politics and Putting a Voice with the Black Hat

An interesting case of local activism. And bonus, hear me discuss the issue on the local KC talk show.

Speaking of Illich

I neglected to comment on the Illich post when it was timely (funny how the internet compresses time and reduces us all to servants...

Front Porch Friendship in the journal of Back Room Business

My (real) friend and sometimes co-conspirator Tony Woodlief of Wichita has penetrated Wall Street with some front porch wisdom this morning: "My 298 Facebook friends...

“A nation is an extended family.”

Quick quiz ... who said/wrote the above quote this week?  No Googling!

I. are. S.tealing from You

IRS says they want power to decide who prepares your tax returns. H$R Block cheers.


JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS.  "Community" is a recurring word and theme on this stoop, but it's invocation can come in many undesirable forms: as a talisman against perceived...

Whaddya Know, the Hicks Can Spell

Allow me a moment to bask in some regional pride. Kavya is from just down the road, and I love her Kansan's dialect, flat midwestern...

We Will Detect All of Your Non-Neutral Expressions!

Someone send Sly to the VA DMV!