David Heddendorf

David Heddendorf
David Heddendorf lives in Ames, Iowa. His essays on literary and religious topics have appeared in various magazines. He is also the author of a short novel, The Wrestler.

Recent Essays

The Cost of Knowing One’s Place

The first time you read the novels of Thomas Hardy–especially if you read them as a young adult–you’re likely to get a pretty forceful...

In Praise of the Children’s Choir Accompanist

Every few weeks, in what I assume is a uniquely Protestant ritual, a dozen small children stand at the front of our church and...

Breaking Through the Screen Door: The Jayhawks’ Hollywood Town Hall, Twenty-Five Years Later

A couple of years ago my wife had a minor accident, the kind that results in an older car being mysteriously “totaled.” Before the...

Going Down to Vanity Fair

Over a long and colorful career, the phrase “Vanity Fair” has called up wildly divergent associations, while often seeming to mean nothing at all....