Jerry Salyer

Jerry Salyer

Recent Essays

Freedom Is Not The Good

As vice-president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Louisville’s own Archbishop Kurtz has led the way in expressing Church disapproval of the...

Is Louisville In Kentucky?

The dual fan debate.

2012 Climacus Conference: February 24th & 25th, Louisville KY

Once again St. Michael Orthodox Church here in Louisville will be hosting the annual Climacus Conference, with this year's event focusing on the artistic,...

Who Gets To Be The Czar of Human Evolution?

A response to Joe Carter from flyover country.

Immigration, Loyalty, and Economy

Do we get an economy that serves the people? Or do we get the right people to serve the economy?

With “Friends” Like These…

Several months ago I claimed that “the American conservative’s attitude toward education is often even worse than that of his [liberal] counterpart.” It turns out Rush Limbaugh has been so helpful as to emphasize my point.

Plato’s Euthyphro

If you haven’t read Euthyphro, then you should. If you have read it, then you should read it again.

Multiculturalism & Its Discontents

How can there be a social contract when the contract's parties disagree sharply regarding its meaning?

Fire Burn And Cauldron Bubble

Unnatural deeds do breed unnatural troubles.

2012 Elizabeth Madox Roberts Conference

Those with a taste for rewarding conversation and exciting scholarship should take note, as should those fond of good bourbon, gorgeous country, and genuine...

Just In Time For Halloween: Peep Show For Ghouls At The Lexington Center

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: To claim that modern America is descending into paganism is grossly unfair… to pagans.

Robbie George Vs. James Kalb: Is America A Proposition Or A Home?

While I respect Robert George as one of America's preeminent Catholic intellectuals, the gentleman nonetheless errs gravely in envisioning America as a "propositional nation."