Culture, High & Low


Henry County, Kentucky.  When the massive dieoffs of commercial bees first became evident a little less than three years ago, what is now called...

In Defense of Culture

In which "culture" is distinguished from our contemporary "anti-culture."

Catholic Education Today: Scientiam Viarum Tuarum Nolumus

About a month ago I happened upon a copy of The Concord, student newspaper of Bellarmine University. In particular my eye was caught by...

What’s a Localist to Do?

Hidden Springs Lane. It’s not easy being a localist. Vladimir Putin has taken Crimea and many in the West are afraid that he has...

Bicycling and the Simple (Socialist?) Life

Bicycling is fun, and environmentally friendly, but for me at least, it is even more importantly about being as free as possible from the complicated dependencies which the automobile economy forces upon us all.

(Civic) Myths over (Religious) Markets: Defending the National Day of Prayer

I don't often disagree with my old friend Michael Austin, partly because he's much smarter and much better read than I, and partly...

Going Down to Vanity Fair

Over a long and colorful career, the phrase “Vanity Fair” has called up wildly divergent associations, while often seeming to mean nothing at all....

Miss Coach

A woman head coach of a boy's high school football team robs the players of a male role model and diminishes the bonds of male camaraderie.

In Praise of Gossip

Gossip, under the right circumstances, acts as a virtue which demonstrates concern and thickens social ties.

Fired for the Natural Law, Part II: Toward a Marriage of...

Our conception of nature is too thin, too reliant upon the conceptions of the ancient Stoics, and so requires the more robust visions of Aristotle and Aquinas if moral debate is not to become intractable.