
Gas Bag

George Will has penned an end-of-year pick-me-up for conservatives, counseling them that the likely prospect of Republican Presidential electoral defeat in November (given their...

Filling Time Filling Minds

That with which we fill our time, after all, is what ends up filling our minds, hearts, and souls. More than simply responsible scheduling, our very character is on the line, and that has consequences far beyond the present.

From the Fire back into the Pan

Hillsdale, Michigan. Three years ago or so when the missus and I moved to Michigan from Philadelphia, we wondered how we would manage. Not...

Just War Doctrine Doesn’t Need an Update

According to a “first of its kind” Vatican conference co-hosted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the international Catholic peace organization...

Fired for the Natural Law, Part II: Toward a Marriage of...

Our conception of nature is too thin, too reliant upon the conceptions of the ancient Stoics, and so requires the more robust visions of Aristotle and Aquinas if moral debate is not to become intractable.

A Gift from the Grievous Angel

Gram Parsons, Southern hippie aristocrat Byrd progenitor of “Cosmic American Music” who spent too much tyme eight miles high, expressed his Christian faith in a number of tunes, none lovelier than “A Song for You.”

The Keeper, The Tiller, The Question

A Cain and Abel Story for Modern Man

Advice For Up-And-Comers

Claremont, CA. I spoke last week at the New Jersey Governor’s School for Public Issues, a (mostly) state-funded summer program for civic-minded students about...

Canadian Story Cycles: A Conversation with author John Van Rys

Van Rys hopes readers are shaped by his tales of domestic comedy to see that love for the long haul, difficult as it is, is not only possible but greatly to be desired; to see that through our weakness and brokenness a certain glory shines.

If Not Exceptional, How about Unusual

I am loathe to dissent from Mark Mitchell's thoughtful piece on American exceptionalism, true FroPo that I am. And I could simply add...