Region & Place

Romney Photo

I received my official photo of Mitt Romney in the mail today. It came from the Republican National Committee. It shows Governor Romney standing...

Write Home

BURNED-OVER DISTRICT, NY. Via the University Bookman, herewith my introduction to its recent special issue on Regionalism, which featured contributions from Frank Bryan, Kate...

Limits and Conscientious Consumption

Lincoln, I was informed when I was nine years old, freed the slaves. I learned that lesson well; I was an excellent student. Lincoln...

The Alternative Tradition in America

Alexandria, VA Since Caleb has posted his lecture from a legendary conference a few years ago that a number of future Front Porchers attended...

Homes, New and Old

CLAREMONT, CA. We have become homeowners. This week, my husband and I are moving boxes from our latest rental into a house that we may...

Monastic Stability: In One Place with God and Others

Some time ago I was asked if I would be willing to participate in a forum on localism. I hesitated. I did not even...

Non-traditional: Community College Conversations

When I first started teaching at a community college, I had no idea of the types of non-traditional students I would meet. Their resilience and motivation made me wonder if a non-traditional route is actually better, at least for some.

On Feeling “Forgotten”: Agrarian Aspirations in the Andes

“The more things change, the more they remain the same.”  The villagers of Pomatambo, Ayacucho, Peru, did not coin the phrase, though it has...

The March for Life, Poetry, and ‘Epimethean Men’

“Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake.”  --Wallace Stevens January 25,  the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, will mark the fifth time...

Waiting for the Americans…

In the late 1970s, my grandfather’s older brother, already in his nineties, was pressing his almost deaf ears to a little portable radio still...