Tag: democracy

Egypt, Tunisia, and the Failure of Neoclassical Economic Theory

The regime changes in Egypt and Tunisia have been hailed as victories for democracy, as proof of the liberalizing power of social networking media,...

انه الاقتصاد، غبي

Here are two scenarios: one leads through democratic enlightenment to peace and prosperity, and the other through intractable economic problems to war and disintegration.

Why I am a Member of the Permanent Opposition

Long live the King, somewhere damned else.

Waiting for Superman, and a Real Conversation

The film describes a good education as one which prepares students for the high-tech jobs available in 21st Century America. A few union supporters have objected that the purpose of education is much broader than vocational training: that it is fundamental to the growth of the child, not as an employee, but as a person.

Why I am a Monarchist

herefore, it behooves me to cut directly to the chase, and state very clearly why I am a monarchist: “I am a monarchist because I am a democrat.”

Gridlock and the Common Good

Events may soon conspire to force a conversation about the common good and the limits of power. Until that happens, gridlock may be the best option.

Reflections on 9/11

Is being an American worth it?

Allan Bloom and Homogenizing Nature

What is the purpose of education?

Knowing One’s Place at the Ballot Box

The prevailing model of local voting has deep defects, which often work against strong communities. The modern standard is one person, one vote, one place. While this standard is simple, it leads to outcomes that run against common sense.

Lethal Loyalties: Dulce et Decorum Est

What if the nation-state was not the cure but the cause of the wars that we term “religious”?