Tag: virtue

Teddy Roosevelt’s Prophetic Speech: The Perpetual Relevance of “The Man in...

Roosevelt delivered an oration he entitled “Citizenship in a Republic,” but which the world would soon come to call “The Man in the Arena.” Every fresh reading of the speech brings something new into bold relief.

Christian Ecological Virtues

There is much to admire in Bouma-Prediger’s approach to environmental ethics. If practiced within the context of a robust Christianity, the virtues he recommends would certainly help readers become better stewards of the earth.

The Saint of the City Goes Rural: Dorothy Day and the...

In the Christian imagination, Dorothy Day looms as one of the 20th century’s great saints. A Communist convert to Christianity and co-founder of the...

Why Patrick Deneen Failed

It's already an amazon dot hell best-seller in political theory.

Two Last Suppers and Ordinary Greatness: A Double Eulogy

What are the compensations on the downhill side of life?

From the Archive: The Gauge, the Pump, and Energy Sufficiency

Efficiency is a false god.

Discussing Virtue, Daily

“It is the greatest good for a man to discuss virtue every day and those other things about which you hear me conversing and...

The Demise of Virtue in Virtual America (Front Porch Republic Books)

Entrance:Virtual America’s Convention Hall                                                     Demise—1) the conveyance of an estate 2) transfer                                              of the sovereignty to a successor 3) a: death b:...

An Ancient Legacy of Form: Guardini on Mastery and Nearness

Our dwelling place is the state not of nature but of culture.

Now Let Us Raze Famous Men

He was looking at me with what appeared to be some degree of disbelief.