Tag: Wednesday Quote

The Silence of Authority

Sometimes speaking, or holding one’s tongue, can make the difference. All the difference. For life and death. Many in authority today are silent when they...

The Heart, in Suffering

“Some day, perhaps, remembering even this Will be a pleasure.” Virgil, The Aeneid, I Aeneas and his men have endured much since leaving Troy. And of course...

Zeus’ Plan for February

“Aegis-bearing Zeus has a design for each occasion, and mortals find this hard to comprehend.” Hesiod, Works and Days Hesiod was convinced that Zeus has a...

When Your Mother Grows Older

“For other animals have their natural ‘forethought’ which enables them to provide for themselves: whereas man lives by reason, which can attain to forethought...

A Husband in Winter

“At the very moment when the vine has shed Its latest leaves and the cold north wind has shaken The glory from the woods, at that...