1. Really superb! And I hope it’s not too late to send accolades regarding your previous article here at FPR which was excellent as well, as both reward the close attention and energy-in-reading they demand. I have a picture of Bloy above my desk and remember Maritain saying that it (his face) was “cut like a stained glass window”. This is the best piece on him I’ve read. Robert Calasso references Bloy in numerous places and I suspect his influence on Calasso is bigger than, perhaps, he lets on as Bloy is one of the few who give us a ‘peak behind the curtain’ of modernity Calasso explicates in his own monumental way. Might I add one more title, in addition to “Pilgrim of the Absolute” and “Thankless Beggar” he used in reference to himself that also shows his personality a bit? The “Sheepdog of the Fold”. It captures, as you do, both his ferocity and his love. Thanks again. I will be ordering your book.

  2. I haven’t read Bloy, or much critique of the bourgeois at all, to be honest, but I wonder how this jibes with the current concern for the squeezing/shrinking of the middle class, specifically the lower-middle “working class.” In contemporary terms are the bourgeois limited to the upper middle class?

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