The Midwest, Adderall, and Avian Flu

“Ending Agriculture isn’t the Climate-Crisis Solution Some Think It Is.” Taras Grescoe weighs in on the debate about lab-grown protein and makes a sensible...

From the Editor

There is something Augustinian in Lukacs’ view of the past—that in a real sense, or at least in a manner of speaking, it exists only in the present, for it is only in the present that by remembering we call the past from nothingness into being.

For Nancy French-ism

This is the story of a bruised soul touched by grace but still frustrated by the passivity that others continue to show in response to the unspeakable.

Joel Miller on Books & Reading

Joel Miller of Miller’s Book Review Substack reads and reviews a prodigious number of books for this regular Substack. Joel formerly served as vice...

Will No One Rid Me Of These Meddlesome -Isms: Thinking and...

Human liberty is indeed a good. But liberty is the freedom to choose well, not just freedom from restraints.

Shakespeare’s Grief

After a pandemic took his son, the Bard would never be the same

The Excellence (and Implications) of Escaping the Housing Trap

All of this only touches the surface of Escaping the Housing Trap’s arguments and only begins the many productive discussions that should—and hopefully will!—follow in its wake. Buy and read the book, and join with your neighbors in talking about how Strong Towns can help make your community a place that can house all who need it.

Conservation, Inflation, and Boeing

“‘This Will Finish Us.’” I finished reading Wendell Berry’s Unsettling of America this week with a group of students, so this heartbreaking essay by...

Allegories of Pruning: Cutting for Growth

Pruning is difficult because we are forced to make a conscious decision to remove something that has been part of a growing plant. But these cuts are necessary and even life-giving.

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