
Katharine Hayhoe Talks Climate Change

Katharine Hayhoe is a professor at Texas Tech and the Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy. Her most recent book is Saving Us: A Climate...

Localist Principles, Populist Words (or, The Problem Defined)

I suppose Front Porch Republic is experiencing growing pains, because all the talk lately is about "what's next?"--what cause, what platform, what principles or...

Civic Friendship

Is there a place for friendship in politics? According to ancient theory - one that continued well into modern times - not only should friendship be a main aim of politics, but without that aim, a distinctly modern form of tyranny is the likely result.

Gratuitous Foundations: Benedict XVI’s Humanism of the Gift, Part II

Benedict's encyclical responds to the elite technocrats of the liberal order more charitably than they deserve. It is true that, in mundane circumstances, liberal society often professes a congenial relativism, and it is equally true that the technocrats of modern charity—who discover the redemption of man in contraception, efficient abortion, and maximized “private” freedom with neither self-government nor moral judgment—reject the identity of “Agápe and Lógos”, the “God of the Bible” who is “Charity and Truth, Love and Word.” But this does not mean they lack a conception of truth or that they are in fact mere sentimental relativists. They rather advocate an immanent and materialist absolute.

Dollarocracy: Money-Power, Media-Framed Elections and Inequality

When searching for semi-precious stones, one must at times loosen jewels from the mineral deposits in which they’re locked.  This consideration applies to books...

John Calvin and the Land of Chocolate

Readers of FPR will be readily forgiven if they have yet to reserve any time this year to celebrate the 500th anniversary of John...

The Twenty Seven

Marbledale, Ct. I was travelling back from a meeting in the Hudson Valley when the news of the Newtown Rampage reached me. The shell-shocked radio...

Yo! Farmer Dude!

What farmer shortage? We're all farmers here at 1st and Main.

Soylent: It’s What’s for Dinner (and Lunch and Breakfast)

Hidden Springs Lane. What if you never had to worry about food again? Possible answers: 1) Wow! Think of all the time I can...

Ripples of Grace in Works of Mercy

Thomas’s novel suggests that those who would answer these difficult vocations well must learn to look through the pain and see the light shining through.