Tag: Georgics

Working the Soil in American Literature: A Review of Ethan Mannon’s...

Do we love the soil and the creatures put in our stead, or do we prefer the images our devices project at us? While the choice is not always so cut and dry, Mannon’s book can help us begin to retool our imaginations and ennoble common labor again.

One Faithful Bee

“Some have affirmed that bees possess a share Of the divine mind and drink ethereal draughts; For God, they say, pervades the whole of...

Learning from the Bees

“Passing their lives under exalted laws, Alone they recognize a fatherland And the sanctity of a home, and provident For coming winter set to work in summer And...

The Gift of Spring

“Nor would the stress Of life be bearable for tender things Did not so long a respite come between The cold and heat, and heaven’s indulgence grant This...

A Husband in Winter

“At the very moment when the vine has shed Its latest leaves and the cold north wind has shaken The glory from the woods, at that...