Tag: John F. Kennedy

Planning and The Politics of Beauty: Reflections on Stewart Udall

If you’ve ever visited Canyonlands National Park, or hiked the Appalachian Trail, or spent time at over a hundred other similar locations across America’s beautiful and diverse ecosystems and geography, it’s likely that you have Stewart Udall at least partly to thank.

A Conservative for Our Time

In a letter he wrote to his grandchildren, Udall challenged them to "Support all endeavors that promise a better life for the inhabitants of our planet. Cherish sunsets, wild creations and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth.”

Moon Missions and the Southern Tradition

"…this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and...

American Exceptionalism or a Modest Republic?

If you are planning to run for president, here’s a word of advice: you must assert regularly and with great conviction your belief in...