Piercing Hawkeye


“I love Old October so/I can’t bear to see her go,” sang the Hoosier Poet of this most resplendent and melancholy month. Among the gifts this October brings is the publication of proud Iowan and porch-sitter Jeff Taylor’s Politics on a Human Scale, which illuminates (and celebrates) the decentralist tradition in American politics. (The link is to amazon, but your local bookseller is always better because, well, human.)


  1. Thanks, Bill.

    If you’re interested in learning more, here’s a website for the book: http://politicshumanscale.blogspot.com/

    If you don’t have a local seller or prefer Amazon, know that the book is currently out of stock but should be available again within a week (not the “1-3 months” listed).

    Yes, unfortunately it’s expensive, even in paperback. I’m tempted to say “You get what you pay for,” but we all know good books that are cheap. Trade paperbacks are like that; academic presses often charge a lot. This is a big book, though, so you do get a lot for your money. If you don’t have $50 to spend but you’re interested, you can borrow it from your local library through interlibrary loan. I’ll be posting an excerpt or two on FPR in the coming days.

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