Scot Martin

Scot Martin
Scot Martin teaches high school English in SE Michigan and inhabits the Rouge River watershed with his wife and two adult children. Scot has been previously published in Flourish, Jesus the Imagination, Planet Detroit, Ignatian Solidarity Network, Stand, Metro Parent, among others.

Recent Essays

Blessings to Impart

What’s stopping you from blessing your yard, neighbors, and neighborhood, your watershed, the land you drive over everyday? Bless the world, literally, and with your being. Offer it up to the one who has created it and cares for us all.

Getting to Know the Neighbors

We can increase the aesthetic appeal of our neighborhood by smashing the suburban quasi-monocultures of landscaping plants purchased from big box stores and restoring the rightful biodiversity of our ecosystems...Behind the natural beauty there thrums a glory ancient and ever-new that generates love for place, if we let it.