Sarah Silflow

Sarah Silflow
Sarah J. Silflow is a small-town girl and lover of languages and cultures, especially the language and culture of her home.

Recent Essays

Parenting Will Kill You Too (And That’s Good)

What this means is death. When our kids were little, parenting meant death to my independence: my time, my space, my very body, were no longer my own. Parenting meant death to sleeping in and going out on a whim. It meant death to plans carefully wrought and carelessly wrecked by fever and blowouts and ear infections.

On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Embracing Limits to Find Identity, Community, and Place

It is encouraging to see how some young people have embraced limits on energy consumption. But the underlying disease of rapacious desire has not been cured. No, this tradeoff only exchanges one delusion of grandeur for another. It swaps external limitlessness for internal limitlessness.