Tag: debt

Could You Loan Some Forgiveness?

We should certainly turn our attention to making the credentials necessary for economic participation affordable. But so many of those losing the prime years of their life to debt and stress did nothing wrong. I don’t need any other argument to be in favor of student loan forgiveness.

Friends and Strangers: A Meditation on Money

I start my meditation with a true story that will serve as a parable. On his 21st birthday, the nature writer Francis Thompson was...

Democracy as Spectacle: The Messianic Compulsions of our Republic

Americans do not need a Messiah because this nation is not Heaven on Earth.

Aristotle and Aquinas, Bank Regulators

But if there is one thing that both Democrats and Republicans agreed about in the 90's, it was that these “monstrosities” didn't need to be regulated.

Washington, we have a Problem

We have for so long asserted that we are a force for good in the world and that our efforts are in the service of "democracy" that we can no longer see the irony of a nation refusing to call itself an empire when in possession of military bases around the globe and expending nearly half our annual tax receipts on war efforts without foreseeable end.

Patrimony And Autonomy

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I appreciated Professor Deneen's discussion of the problem of free-riding, and I agree that ours is a precarious position, but I would suggest...