Tag: Pope Benedict XVI

Two Cheers for Two Popes

In short, we need to rely less on building rigid ideological superstructures and more on our guts, guts kept healthy by a diverse diet of conversation and friendship. We need to have more personal encounters and trust in the general “goodness” of people. In other words, we need to take the seriousness with which we treat this Left-Right stuff down a notch and lighten up!

Convolutions in Veritate

Devon, PA.  In the near future, I hope to offer a few essays on Catholic Social Doctrine, and, of course, on Caritas in Veritate...

Benedict on Business: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Irving, Texas. Since its beginnings with Aristotle and Plato, the study of economics has always been regarded as a branch of philosophy, a colony...

Sex, Eschatology, and Everyday Life

Devon, PA.  I have contended that the two most vocal sources of outrage at Pope Benedict XVI's remark about the deleterious role of condoms...

Crunchy Pope, Part 1: Body, Earth and Cosmos

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pope Benedict has recently gained a bit of credit with world media for emphasizing the urgency of addressing the environmental...