Tag: membership

Membership in Grace: Reflecting on Dobbs and Gifts

Perhaps activism needs such determined gentleness, illustrated in the pro-life students’ hours of prayer and the work of adoption agencies like my grandmother’s. Activism must be framed by an understanding of common grace, shared depravity, and our implications with each other: our membership, which is “the way we are.”

Two Great Interruptions

Wendell Berry’s new story is actually about two great interruptions: the first forms the occasion for Billy’s tale, and the second is how, as the title has it, the tale “ceased to be told.”

A Garden of Remembrance

I was just a boy with spindly limbs and boney knees, but I knew the importance of stories, so I sat with my grandparents on the porch, and drank sweet tea, and listened to them talk.


We are here, in part, because choices made in big places have worked against rural places and rural people.

Citizens of the World, Divide!

Moorpark, CA. We are told to be careful with our words, to be aware of how our words might make other people feel or...