Tag: U.S. constitution

Why Love Belongs in Politics

Lubbock, TX. One month ago, the Senate concluded the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.  The process was almost purely partisan: Republicans, who control...

Liberty or Empire? Reconsidering the Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation undoubtedly had their problems. But the spirit of concurrence they embodied is worth celebrating. To revitalize American public life, we should revisit this period in our nation’s history and pay careful attention to its lessons.

My Congressionally-Mandated Constitution Day Lecture

Wherein I respond to the federal mandate to "celebrate" Constitution Day. The text is taken from a lecture I gave at Northwood University, co-sponsored...

Monarchy and the American Constitution

The American Constitution, as it was originally written and understood, is the most monarchical-democratic document in the modern world.