1. The fly in the ointment here is Hearst’s support of Bryan. Hearst likely supported the old bloviator because he knew Bryan would be a good shepherd for the so called “commoners” he held the banner for. Hearst , PR man for making the most of the Battleship Maine’s explosion…he would never had contributed a dime to Bryan if he was not assured that Bryan was on board with the Imperial Project. The commoner, as exemplified by todays Fox News Commoners are generally willing sunbeams for the Imperial Project brought to you by our global freebooters.

    Mencken was saucy in more ways than one but he was a quick judge of people.

  2. Though Mencken was confident in his derision for the booboisie, to label him as simply a misanthrope and an elitist is un-sporting. His trenchant criticisms held the weight they did because he hated to see the public duped and led by sharpies who did not deserve the public’s trust. Had he not had fond feelings for the public, he would not have been so persistent in his good hitting averages regarding their failings.

    He was hardly an elitist….sucking his stogie, drinking his beloved Baltimore Beer and editing magazines for a thinking public. He gave many a non-elite writer their first shot. Was he skeptical of grandstanding Christians and sometimes dark in his humor? Sure but this does not make him an elitist misanthrope.

    Though there may be some policy differences between eras…there remain definite xenophobic similarities when observing…from several paces off, Hearst and America and Fox and America. There is a definite sector of the public that is easily enflamed by paranoia and the idea of their life being taken over by events beyond their control…..both real and imagined.

  3. Bryan in 1896 might have been good, especially if he paved the way for LaFollette, but even better would have been if the People’s Party had not ditched their own independent platform for Bryan’s oratory. Then the fragile inter-racial coalition might have held, Tom Watson might not have become a racist, James Vardaman might never have had a chance to pose as a populist… what if Eugene V. Debs had accepted the People’s Party nomination, in which case they might not have turned to Bryan? Debs and Watson in 1896? LaFollette in 1904? And someone who would have kept us out of war and wouldn’t have expanded Jim Crow in 1912! Black disfranchisement and separate seating on urban rail cars might never have happened.

    The Hearst endorsement also gives me strong doubts. I have a sense that Bryan learned what was right by the end of his life, but looks good mostly in hindsight. As for “Remember the Wind,” Bryan was simply wrong on that issue, both because he was flying in the face of increasingly well established facts, and because there is no reason to doubt God just because it turns out he took his own good time creating us a little differently than our ancestors imagined. But a fool he was not.

    For this year, I would like to see a lot of Democrats AND a lot of Republicans dumped. My rule of thumb would be, if your congress rep or senator has been in office twenty years or more, vote for a challenger. Of course this allows me to vote for Feingold one more time. By 2016, he should either be retiring or really running for president. I think I’d like him better than Huckabee, who looked good until he sucked up to Ken Copeland for campaign cash in 2008. On the whole, I’d like President Obama to have a reasonably supportive congress when the dust settles, but a changed congress we can believe in.

  4. Note: This comment was originally posted as a follow-up to D.W. Sabin’s “The fly in the ointment” comment. His “Though Mencken” comment was a response to what I write below.

    You’re right, Trobius, about Rand Paul’s young age of 13 in 1976. Still, I think it counts. I became a political activist at the same age. In Paul’s case, he was at the Kansas City convention with his father, who was chairman of the 100-strong, 100-percent-for-Reagan Texas delegation. He had a front row seat when it came to establishment and anti-establishment politics. I’m sure it left an impression.

    Yes, Mencken did a number on Bryan’s reputation. It’s too bad. The caricature of Bryan as a boobish moron that was painted by Mencken and, later, by Inherit the Wind, slanders the real Bryan. He was not an ignorant and emotional fanatic. This quickly becomes apparent if you read his writings and speeches. Mencken reminds me of Tom Fleming. Both are great writers who tend to be on the attack, confidently and caustically. When they’re correct, it’s great. A pleasure to see some knave being dressed down, getting his comeuppance. When they’re incorrect, it’s annoying and even silly. So I can relish what Mencken wrote about FDR but I realize he was wrong about WJB.

    The central problems Mencken had with Bryan were philosophical and theological. Bryan was a populist; Mencken was an elitist. Bryan admired Tolstoy; Mencken admired Nietzsche. Bryan was a Christian; Mencken was not. Mencken had libertarianism in common with Jefferson but not populism. He was anti-democratic because he could not reconcile popular sovereignty with popular stupidity. So he sank into misanthropy and elitism. It’s ashame because Menken is commendable in other ways, including his wonderful ability to see through cant.

    I don’t agree that Hearst backed Bryan because he saw him as a pliant tool to promote imperialism. That doesn’t explain why Hearst helped him in 1896–two years before imperialism became an issue. It’s true Hearst helped engineer the war with Spain, but even Bryan initially supported it because he believed its primary aim was to liberate Cuba from imperial rule. When it became obvious that the McKinley administration planned to substitute the waxing empire for the waning empire in the Caribbean and Pacific, Bryan soured on the war and remained a foe of imperialism for the rest of his life.

    Bryan can’t be compared to Roger Ailes, nor his supporters to those who follow the Fox News party line. Quite the opposite. On the eve of World War I, Bryan was working overtime to keep us out of that mess, and he was warmly received by his anti-war, anti-empire supporters, including those in the South. Southern Bryanites in Congress were among the leaders against war (e.g., James Vardaman of Mississippi, William Kirby of Arkansas, Thomas Gore of Oklahoma, William Stone of Missouri, Claude Kitchin of North Carolina, George Huddleston of Alabama, Jeff McLemore of Texas).

    Hearst opposed every particular of the Imperial Project after 1898. He backed Bryan in 1900 when he ran on an overtly anti-imperial platform. He opposed U.S. entry into WW I. He opposed the League of Nations. He opposed the World Court. He opposed U.S. entry into WW II. The Swanberg biography and the collection of Hearst’s own words, edited by Coblentz (William Randolph Hearst: A Portrait in His Words), show this to be the case. He was an old-fashioned Jefferson Democrat who cared about America…as republic not empire.

    Of the candidates for Congress this year, mentioned above, John Hostettler unfortunately lost in the senatorial primary in Indiana. B.J. Lawson won in North Carolina, but he faces an entrenched Democratic incumbent. We can only hope the voters in his district will be in a mood to throw the rascals out come November 2. Rand Paul continues to poll well and has just picked up endorsements from Jim Dobson and Jim DeMint, making a Jacobite trio with Jim Bunning in support of Paul.

    I notice that Greg Varner of Alabama cites not only Eliot and Kuyper but also Chesterton (http://govarner.com/issues/develop-a-dragons-den/).

  5. Response to D.W.:

    I don’t think Mencken was “simply” a misanthrope and elitist, but those were among his unfortunate tendencies. He had far better traits as well.

    In the intro to the book H.L. Mencken on Religion (Prometheus), the editor writes, “Mencken’s views on religion are intimately tied to his political philosophy. Throughout his career . . . he reiterated the opinion that ordinary people are incapable of grasping the complexities of the world around them. To be blunt, they are too stupid to have an intelligent opinion on religion, science, society, or even politics, so that the every principle of democracy (by which Mencken really meant universal suffrage) is a farce and a tragedy.” That’s elitism. It’s an honorable, if incorrect, view that goes back to Plato and includes Machiavelli, Hamilton, and Nietzsche.

    The fact that the man smoked cigars and drank beer makes him no less an elitist. It’s hard to imagine how a Nietzsche enthusiast could be anything else. Elitism is an ideology, not a personal style. He edited magazines for a “thinking public”–the operative word is “thinking.” He saw that as a very small proportion of the people, which, conveniently enough, included himself. It’s the few vs the many, and he sided with the few. There are other social critics who pointed out human foibles and needled the high and mighty without resorting to contempt for the masses and Social Darwinism. Dwight Macdonald, Mark Twain, and Jesus Christ come to mind.

    Mencken is marvelous on some things, but he has little to teach us about the Great Commoner for an obvious reason: He scorned the common people so of course he scorned their champion as well. With his anti-Christian and anti-democracy prejudice, how could he approach Bryan with objectivity, let alone receptivity?
    At the Scopes trial, Bryan was right and Mencken was wrong. It’s interesting to contrast Mencken with Darrow. Darrow voted for Bryan in two elections, supported W.R. Hearst for president at the 1904 Democratic National Convention, and backed Hearst’s candidate in 1908. He was an acerbic social critic himself but he never lost a genuine affection for average Americans, regardless of race or region.

    You may be right that Mencken cared about the public in some sense even though he often blamed the victim as well as the victimizer. Maybe he was so hard on the common “dolts” because he was frustrated with their inability to stop following fools and failing to pursue their self-interest. He supported La Follette for president in 1924. He was probably attracted by LF’s iconoclasm and truth-telling but if he didn’t have at least a little populism in him, he wouldn’t have been able to stomach voting for a champion of popular sovereignty.

    I agree with you about xenophobia and paranoia, but Hearst and his group should not be equated with the Fox crowd. The former were sincere; the latter, at the management level, are cynical. Several paces off they do look alike, but they are not the same upon closer inspection. A better modern analogy is with Pat Buchanan and his pitchfork-wielding partisans. Also, xenophobia does not go along with the Imperial Project. It’s in the opposite camp. Buchanan, who is often accused of being a xenophobe, wrote the book on the subject: A Republic, Not an Empire. “Xenophobes” like Hearst and Buchanan are anti-imperialist because they believe in America First and they genuinely cherish a sense of community and tradition here, rather than wanting to distract ourselves overseas or dilute ourselves by mass immigration at home. Hence their objections to foreign wars and open borders. Empire inevitably produces multiculturalism.

    DWS, We probably aren’t going to agree on this but I’ve enjoyed the exchange. And I appreciate your defense of H.L. Mencken. When he was right, he was great. A slash-and-burn style for men and subjects deserving to be slashed and burned.

    Good to hear your perspective, Siarlys. I like your alternate history, with its maintenance of the biracial coalition, although Debs running in 1896 would have meant that Bryan would have lost by an even bigger margin. There’s no way Debs himself could have won. And there is a reason Debs supported Bryan that year. He considered him to be not perfect but at least good and he was the only good candidate with a real chance of winning the presidency. I, too, hope to see a lot of incumbents kicked out. Bennett of Utah is a good example.

  6. A great conundrum of American politics (and of the recent British election) is the question, do I vote for what I truly believe, or for the least bad among the likely winners. Eugene Debs, during the period when he ran as Socialist candidate for president, responded to this dilemma “I would rather vote for something I want, and not get it, than vote for something I don’t want, and get it.” It is certainly true that Bryan stood a better chance of winning in 1896 than anyone running on the Populist ticket.

    However, the fusion of the People’s Party ticket with the Democratic Party ticket destroyed the Populist movement, permanently. Arguably, it may have begun the long slow slide toward associating progressive politics with the Democratic Party, by no means a firmly established connection even as late at 1932, and not an entirely beneficial trend.

    Bryan’s platform, whether by his own wishes or because he was limited by the party that nominated him, conspicuously did not offer the most important demand that brought western (Republican-leaning) and southern (Democratic-leaning) populists together in the first place. What made a national third party essential was the demand for federal sub-treasuries in every state, offering low-interest loans to farmers, freeing them from dependence on “the furnishing man” or “the advancing man” or simply “the Man,” with exorbitant interest charges and fudged books for credit at the store. I wonder whether electing Bryan would have been worth the cost of ending the independent movement.

    Large numbers of African Americans still voted in the southern states up until about 1900 — the collapse of the People’s Party, and the manner in which black votes had been manipulated by the Democratic Party regulars in fending off the Populist challenge — had a great deal to do with whipping up hysteria for a full blown set of Jim Crow legislation. Again, was electing Bryan worth that price?

    I also wonder how Rob Paul got to be considered a populist. No doubt he is a thorn in the side of the political establishment, and I think that is what draws him a certain level of support — its a drama we all get a kick out of. But Paul emphatically advocates crucifying mankind once again upon a cross of gold — something neither Bryan nor Debs nor Watson nor Weaver would have given the time of day to. The original populists were not “anti-government.” They sought to restore the use of government as an instrument of the people in their struggle against monopolies. A good deal of the mess we are in now is not the result of too much government, but of government either asleep at the wheel, or in bed with the enemy.

  7. Siarlys, You’re right, of course, that there were differences between the PP and DP, with the latter being more pragmatic and compromised. I do know that the 1892 and 1896 Populist platforms called for the creation of postal savings banks as an alternative to private, commercial banks. Under Bryan’s leadership, the 1908 Democratic platform endorsed such banks, provided they had decentralized deposit and investment.

    Ron Paul clearly belongs to the populist wing of the Republican Party. He’s a conservative populist, which is only one variety nowadays. In Bryan’s day the people were not divided into two ideological camps (partisan camps, yes, but Dem populists and Rep populists frequently cooperated with one another). Also, Paul is not only a populist; he is also a libertarian (first and foremost, perhaps). But the populism is there. Support for and from Main Street, rather than Wall Street. A non-interventionist foreign policy. Allied with the unwashed masses of true believers rather than the professional politicians and country club favor seekers.

    Weaver, Bryan, and Paul, and their constituencies, are similar in many ways. All are Jeffersonians, believing in “Equal rights for all, special privileges for none.” As a member of Wilson’s cabinet, Bryan foolishly helped push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, but he earlier strongly opposed the Aldrich Plan for centralized, New York-based banking, and he soon had second-thoughts about the Federal Reserve. In 1921, he publicly accused it of being “the tool of Wall Street.” So Ron Paul’s anti-Fed crusade would have resonated with Bryan and his movement.

    Yes, the Populists and Bryan Democrats wanted to use government as an instrument of the people, but we shouldn’t exaggerate the point. It was a largely negative, corrective approach. Nothing like the statism of TR, WW, or FDR. Primarily consistent application of anti-trust laws to restore competition and free enterprise. Far from state socialism, which Bryan explicitly condemned. Overall, Bryan was not a “government asleep at the wheel” regulator; he was a “in bed with the enemy” populist. So is Ron Paul.

    Congratulations to Rand Paul on his victory in the Kentucky primary. Hopefully he will win in November and help to extend the populist legacy within the GOP into the future. The 1976 Republican National Convention was mentioned above. Ron Paul’s national anti-establishment credentials were in evidence in Kansas City. The Texas and California delegations were the bulwark of the Reagan effort at that convention. Under Paul’s leadership, the Texas delegation was so conservative that it was the only state to give a majority of its votes to men more conservative than Robert Dole when voting on the vice presidential nomination. Senator Jesse Helms received 43 from Texas, Senator Dole received 26, and Governor Reagan received 9, among others. Independent and populist to the core. “Don’t Tread on Me.”

  8. The contradiction between Ron Paul the gold advocate and W.J. Bryan the silver champion is more apparent than real. Keep in mind that Bryan supported a monetary policy of bimetallism. He wasn’t opposed to the gold standard; he wanted the restoration of the traditional gold-and-silver standard. Demonetization of silver in 1873 and repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893 were opposed by Bryan and the Populists not only because the new financial policy depreciated the value of farm products, but because it symbolized domination of the U.S. government by an Anglo-American banking syndicated headed by J.P. Morgan, August Belmont, and the House of Rothschild. Criticism of elite bankers, symbolized by the Fed, is one reason RP calls for a return to the gold standard. Bryan supported silver and gold. He did not support fiat money with no hard currency backing.

  9. Well reasoned and well worded as always Jeff. On the whole, I’m pleased that Paul won the Kentucky Republican primary. Whether I would vote for him over his Democratic opponent in the fall — if I lived in Kentucky — is an open question. Paul’s win is as much a revolt against George W. Bush as against Barack Obama, against the Republican congressional leadership as against the Democratic majority in congress. I suspect that Paul would be more congenial to the promise of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign than the current Republican leadership, as well as many Democrats. Rather than saying “Hell no, we don’t want you to get credit for anything with the voters,” he seems like a man who would say “Look, these are my principles. Sometimes, I’m going to vote down your programs, which often are in direct contradiction to what I believe. But, if you have proposals for work the American people really need their government to do, and you accept some reasonable accommodation of how I believe they can be fairly and constitutionally accomplished, we can talk about it.”

    The acid test, in my view, is whether he would support stringent financial regulation, whether he would vote for something close to reinstituting Glass-Steagall (a revolt against Bill Clinton as well as Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan). I am very, very leery of Kerr-McGee libertarianism, which serves as a front for the right of artifical persons (corporations) to do as they please, running rampant over real live persons (citizens) denying our government the power of intervening to promote the public welfare and insure the blessings of liberty to live flesh and blood people.

    I don’t mind seeing Robert Bennett fall, although I’m pretty sure I would NEVER vote for either of his Republican rivals. I wouldn’t mind seeing John McCain go down in the Republican primary — not least because it would cut Sarah Palin down to size. (Her guiding principal appears to be pure narcissism, not good government.) I’m happy that Arlen Spector failed in Pennsylvania, and I WOULD vote for his Democratic opponent over what Pennsylvania Republians have to offer.

    As to gold and silver, I am skeptical of the notion that they have much more reality to them as currency than federal reserve notes. I am old enough to remember when paper currency said “silver certificate.” In and of themselves, gold and silver are not special. They have to be dug out of the ground, like iron and coal and limestone. Only a subjective set of desires makes them valuable, and only long tradition makes them “money.” When the price of gold fluctuates from $250 an ounce to $1200 an ounce, one can hardly say that they are stable, although they may protect against inflation by rising with the value of money, and its easier to sell gold to buy bread than to sell your home for the same purpose. The essential point is that there be enough money in circulation to allow farmers, working families, small businesses, to stay afloat and flourish, and not allow a cabal of large financiers to control the supply. Remember when the Hunt brothers tried to corner the market on silver?

    I am, I suppose, a more “left” than “conservative” populist. I appreciate what John L. Lewis was able to accomplish under cover of the New Deal, and his prescience in breaking with Roosevelt rather than lead labor into permanent dependence on the Democratic Party (which the CIO, and then the AFL, did anyway). I try to work within the boundaries of being politically libertarian, economically socialist, and culturally conservative, recognizing that there are inherent conflicts in those three positions. (E.g., I view Roe v. Wade as primarily a personal liberty issue, you view it as to a great extent a state’s rights issue. I don’t find much populism in “state’s rights,” which is about the right of a state GOVERNMENT to do as it pleases. State and local governments can be just as corrupt and tyrannical as the feds.) I am leery of the populist banner being hijacked by the Ku Klux Klan or White Citizens Councils (or Conservative Citizens Councils), and of the tendency of “Main Street” to be “populist” only because medium size local businessmen aspire to be just as dominant as the Wall Street crowd, but haven’t yet been admitted to the club. They tend to oppose minimum wage laws and occupational safety and health laws (e.g. Massey Coal Co.) as much as the big boys, or more.

  10. Thank you, Siarlys. We’ll probably never agree completely on abortion, but I do understand why you support Roe and it makes some sense to me even though I can’t go along with it in the end. Other factors trump my libertarianism on that issue.

    Like you, I am also more of a liberal populist and can identify with your self-description as “politically libertarian, economically socialist, and culturally conservative.”

    I agree with assessment of Rand Paul as being less partisan, which is a good thing. I, too, like much of what John L. Lewis was trying to accomplish, including his break with FDR and resistance to WWII.

    Amen to “The acid test, in my view, is whether he would support stringent financial regulation, whether he would vote for something close to reinstituting Glass-Steagall . . . I am very, very leery of Kerr-McGee libertarianism, which serves as a front for the right of artifical persons (corporations) to do as they please, running rampant over real live persons (citizens).” Yes! Well put.

  11. I won’t respond directly on “strong voice for social morality,” because that was our host’s turn of phrase, so it is his privilege to do so. I firmly support the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but I admit I’ve had to give a lot of thought to the constitutional framework within which a private business could be imposed upon in this manner. Superficially, if I don’t like you, why should I have to let you into my restaurant, no matter what the reason? Go eat somewhere else! So I am not reflexively shocked that Rand Paul asked the question. Nor do I reject out of hand his follow-up explanation, that this matter was settled when he was two years old, and he does not advocate opening it up again.

    One legal precedent I’ve recently read is that in English Common Law, it was already well established that the proprietor of a public house, or a common carrier, or of any business serving the public, had to serve anyone who came in. That went along with the right to bodily throw out anyone being disruptive or abusive, and I’ve seen Greyhound drivers throw people off the bus by the side of the road for the safety of other passengers, or at the next station.

    To the extent that state laws had countenanced, encouraged, cultivated, or mandated racial segregation in specific, congress did have authority under the fourteenth amendment to insure that each state provided all citizens equal protection of the laws — and racial segregation had a clear track record of providing unequal facilities based on race.

    Then there is the authority of congress over interstate commerce. There is legitimate ground to differ as to the scope of that authority. I applauded the Supreme Court’s Lopez and Brzonkala decisions that it is not the business of Congress to pass criminal statutes about carrying guns near schools or provide a civil remedy for rape, on the grounds that crime casts a pall on commerce, or threats to school children infringe on education which will have an impact on their preparedness for employment. Some areas really are still reserved to the states. Still, most commerce, as commerce, really is interstate in nature these days, and congressional authority has to therefore be more extensive than it was when most commerce was intrastate in character. That’s why the National Labor Relations Act, and federal minimum wage laws, apply even to businesses that don’t have branches in multiple states.

    Finally, since our national culture and laws for so many years fostered a climate of racial exclusion, there is a reasonable duty to undo that damage. Hypothetically, in a truly post-racial future, we could relax such laws, on the ground that any eccentric preferences of a business owner really are personal eccentricities, and s/he will pay a modest price in the marketplace for them. How will we know when we are in a post-racial future? Well, if we have to ask the question, we probably aren’t. When we are, we won’t even stop to ask.

    I’m not at all sure I will be disappointed if Paul’s opponent wins the general election. I’m not overwhelmingly impressed by him. But, simply raising the question does not mean he’s a racist, or needs a lesson in morality.

  12. I am not for or against anyone I just want to know the truth.

    Why is President Barack Obama willing to go along with Quantitative Easing (aka printing money)? If it truly harmful to the United States of America, and its people?Then isn’t he obligated by his oath of office and his love for his family to do something to stop the Federal Reserve from continuing this process? When the Fed is printing money (aka Quantitative Easing)and it is harmful to the USA and the dollar, is this the same as counterfeiting?

    Is the real truth that the Fed is printing money and hording it, until they force us into deflation, at witch time commodities, real estate, gold,silver all the things that we should buy to hedge inflation, will go south and the dollar will be king once again. And the Fed will have all the dollars.

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