New ANAMNESIS Symposium: “Views on Hawthorne, Simms, History, and Progress.”


Many FPR readers will enjoy the new symposium, “Views on Hawthorne, Simms, History, and Progress,” in ANAMNESIS, A Journal for the Study of Tradition, Place, and ‘Things Divine.’ Professors Sean Busick and Lee Trepanier separately elucidate how two greats of middle nineteenth century American Literature reflected brilliantly on the past and on problems with gnostic thinking about the future. The Trepanier essay has already been featured in ANAMNESIS, but the Busick article is new. Moreover, Professor Busick broadens the symposium via considering the important (and often ignored) writings of William Gilmore Simms whom Edgar Allan Poe viewed as one of the best fictional authors of his time.

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My name is Peter Haworth, and I am an independent scholar living in Phoenix, Arizona. I received my Ph.D. in Government from Georgetown University in 2008, and I am currently working on various writing projects in American Political Thought. My interests include American Political Development, Traditionalist Thought, Constitutional Law, Southern Americana, Virtue Ethics, Natural Law, Political Theology, and many other topics within the history of political theory. With me in Phoenix is my darling wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Puckett Haworth of Columbus, Mississippi and our son, Peter Randolph Augustine Haworth. My hobbies include voracious reading, minimal gun collecting, and dreaming about our future farm that might be located somewhere in beautiful Mississippi.

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