Mitchell Video: Human Scale and Humane Politics


Here’s a link to the video of my talk at Villanova. 

Thanks to James Matthew Wilson and Douglas Minson for making it such an enjoyable time.


  1. “it seems to me the ubiquitous nature of the language of rights is a problem”. Ho ho ho why such understatement?

    The something for nothing culture is a direct outgrowth of the modern commercialized ethos of “instant gratification”. We are gratified in an instant and frustrated instantly thereafter to an extent that there is an inflation of the currency of gratification. The word loses its association with the concept of gratefulness. Mere noise is the operative telos within a forum of distraction and unceasing want. No wonder frustration is the leitmotif of modernism.

    A fine presentation Mr. Mitchell. Its a mawkish admission perhaps but I’m grateful for it.

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