Crunchy Judge: Stegall Confirmed


Congratulations to Caleb Stegall who was confirmed last week to a seat on the Kansas Court of Appeals. Excerpt from an article from a Kansas Newspaper:

Legislators discussed his views about issues such as abortion, education funding and his advocacy for sustainable communities.

Stegall has five sons, and he told an interviewer for a Catholic blog, Godspy, in 2005 that people “need to clear our lives of all the mass culture weeds that choke out authentic growth.”

He added: “Get married. Have kids, lots of them. Don’t turn them over to others to raise.”

Author Rod Dreher’s 2006 book, “Crunchy Cons,” about “gun-loving organic gardeners” and “evangelical free-range farmers” among conservatives, quotes Stegall, a lifelong conservative Presbyterian, as calling birth control an issue “very telling” for how a community deals with “any other issue.”

He quotes Stegall further: “There’s an unlegislatable mandate to communities to be faithful to future generations, which means replacing yourself, or exceeding the replacement rate. When a community’s healthy, it will do that, and it will only do that when people essentially love a community more than they love themselves.”

Stegall declined to elaborate on those comments, saying they speak for themselves.

They do indeed. We wish Caleb all the best in his new post.

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