Lisa McCabe

Lisa McCabe
Lisa McCabe lives and writes in Lahave, Nova Scotia. Her poetry, reviews, and essays have been published (or are forthcoming) in a variety of online and print journals including The Sewanee Review, Front Porch Republic, The North American Anglican, The Ekphrastic Review, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Trinity House Review, and The Dark Horse.

Recent Essays

“Passionate in the Pursuit of Awe”: A Review of American Divine

In “American Divine,” it would seem that the pursuit is not so much a pursuit of divinity but rather the experience of it—the awe, which in this instance is private and individualistic, potentially addictive, and more an expression of personal epiphanies than a community-shared theology.

Familiar Voices, Sacred Stanzas

What strikes me overall about The Slumbering Host is the open-heartedness, hopefulness, and steadfastness of the editors’ approach and selection. This is a collection that is true to itself and knows its own mind and plays its own music.