Tag: education

Bringing Wendell Berry (and Business) to Sterling

A week ago I was able to organize a small group of friends to attend a fine, relatively intimate event at Sterling College, a...

What Groucho Marx Can Teach Us About Liberal Education

The world wearies of defenses of liberal education and the humanities. What cannot be denied is that all over the country the liberal arts...

Avoiding “A World Without Women,” or Porches

A common and often valid critique of many families in the homeschooling movement is that, because of a lingering obsession on, and invisible competition...

Educating Humans to Subvert Technocracy

Alan Jacobs’s new book, The Year of Our Lord 1943: Christian Humanism in an Age of Crisis, traces a fascinating intellectual debate that arose...

Shared Governance and Mandatory Training: The New Incoherence

So long as gravity obtains, sawing off the branch you’re sitting on is never a good idea.

Politics as Religion: A Brief Assay Essayed after Midnight

For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; / Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.

The Craft of Education

“Then education is the craft concerned with doing this very thing, this turning around, and with how the soul can most easily and effectively...

When a Child Leaves Home

“Darling, haven’t you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?” So Baroness Schraeder responds to Max’s inquiry how she will deal with...

Townsman of a Stiller Town: Death on the American Highway

Earth's the right place for love.

For the Sake of the Children

“… but the soul of the hearer must be prepared by good habits to rejoice in the good and hate the evil, just as...