Tag: identity

Rendering Me into We: A Review of The Crisis of Narration

Disagreements aside, however, Byung-Chul's argument remains a valuable one: the cultures of consumption that rule the modern world are death to the cultures of community that give life meaning.

Remembering Our Names After the Fall

Rural Rebellion by Ross Benes, examines the changing politics of rural Nebraska from the perspective of a native son living in Brooklyn. Nebraska is a cycle of poems by Kwame Dawes, a Ghanaian-born poet teaching at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Both address the identity crisis of our time and call us to remember the real names of things.

Personality Tests, Community, & Our Nagging Loneliness

Ironically, by searching for the self, we also lose ourselves. The more intently we look within, the more elusive our sense of self becomes.

Identity and Ethnos in Socrates’s Athens: A Response to Jordan Wales

Jordan Wales has recently gifted the conservative movement a sober and justly-timed critique of Richard Spencer and the alt-right. Unfortunately, much of the analysis...

My Hair, My Self?

Cincinnati, OH. Standing before the dripping bathroom mirror while the shower haze slowly melts, I’m startled once again that my beard’s gone missing. It lasted...

In Praise of States (and Why There Should be More of...

Wichita, KS Over the July 4th weekend, we made a quick trip south to Dallas, and were blessed with a brief look at that particular...

“For all the Small Schools”: Or, It’s Hoosiers Time

'Tis the season to hie on down to the high school gym. Via First Principles, herewith my piece on Hoosiers, one of the...