Tag: journalism

The Leavening Effect of Seeking the Truth: A Review of Untrustworthy

In Untrustworthy, Kristian sets an objective for Christians to be faithful, factual, and fair. In some cases, this must be practiced in a somewhat extreme environment. What do we do when we encounter something like QAnon, which is not factual and often fractures relationships?

On the Beat in the City of Hospitality  

On my way to work at the local weekly newspaper, driving down East Mansion Street and then West Michigan Avenue in downtown Marshall, I...

Extra, extra!

I grew up reading newspapers that serviced large metropolitan areas--the Denver Post and Tulsa World. Strangely, it was only after moving to a suburb of Washington,...

Evidence Gone Missing

Who is following in Susan B. Anthony's footsteps: Connie Schultz or Sarah Palin? Is abortion an empowering right necessary for true equality, or an inhumane tragedy linked to lack of true choice?