Tag: elites

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: How to (Actually) Save Humanity

An empathetic approach to the kind of lofty goals named by Princeton’s aspiration to serve “humanity” might empower talented young people to serve their communities rather than selling out for personal financial success. You have to be very smart and very powerful to save the world, but serving your community begins with empathy, which is a trait we can all cultivate.

From the Editor–Local Culture 2.2: Christopher Lasch

Over and against manifest follies that characterize American life in the first quarter of the twenty-first century there stands the wide-ranging work, keen and voluminous, of the historian and social critic Christopher Lasch.

The Old Normal is Alive and Well in Paris

No man is an island, and everything we do, even in the privacy of our homes, has an effect on our society as a whole, but the past three months have shown us that the same lie that animates the Chinese government has spread and infected the West as well: the State knows best.

Adjuncts, Mechanics, The Overclass, and Class War

Something has gone seriously wrong, and no one seems to have any idea how to fix it—including, alas, Michael Lind.

Mobilizing on the Left: Progressivism, Populism, and the Language of Political...

Progressives must re-learn to advocate for community self-determination, and work to link political activity on this level to national politics.

Words, Meaning, and Power

Kearneysville, WV. The publication of Sarah Palin’s autobiography, Going Rogue, provides an opportunity to discuss contemporary political rhetoric, especially the use of certain...