Tag: smartphones

Public Enemy #1?: Smartphones and a Generation at Risk

Haidt’s book is a tour de force. I can give it no higher praise than to say I wish we could put this book in the hands of every parent, teacher, school administrator, schoolboard member, and legislator in the country. Haidt convincingly shows that mobile technology—mostly but not exclusively smartphones—does not just correlate with all these dire mental health trends but indeed contributes to causation.

How to Buy a Dumb Phone (and How Not to Use...

I did some research with the help of a “dumb phone finder” which told me the functions, network compatibilities, and reviews of the available flip phones and other simplicity-oriented devices. I identified one that was an acceptable price, was still able to run one or two of the apps that I actually do need, and was compatible with my network (or so I thought).

Why I Wish I Didn’t Have a Smartphone and Computer (But...

We can agree that many technological “advances” have objectively done more harm than good, in terms of the human condition as well as the Earth, and that we face a bleak scenario of looming catastrophe. But this doesn’t mean that there is no way out.

Nonsense on Stilts? Dandyism? Okay.

If I were God, I’d keep other company.

What the Smartphone is Good For (Besides Nothing)

The invaluable works of our elder writers, I had almost said the works of Shakespeare and Milton, are driven into neglect.

How I Ended my 6-Year Relationship with my Blackberry

Going to the gym? Call a friend. Running an errand? Send a text. Eating something interesting? Take a picture and show the world on Facebook.