Tag: Walker Percy

Walking in the Suburbs

Flânerie is a kind of silent revolt. The chief virtue in an industrial society is efficiency, but by its very nature, flânerie is inefficient. It doesn’t even pretend to care about that value.

When the Witch of November Comes Stealin’

There’s a certain aching joy in the chill of regret.

Walker Percy and Modern America: A Message from the Ruins

Earlier this year, several publications celebrated Walker Percy’s 100th birthday. However, for the most part, the occasion went largely unnoticed. Although Percy is still...

Walker Percy and the Recovery of Place

In a 2009 article in the New York Times, the travel writer Henry Shukman admitted that he was “disappointed” the first time he saw...

Tradition and Critique: On Wanting to Know

I think Walker Percy uses the following to illustrate contemporary life, although I don’t remember where. But it goes something like this: When his...

Watching Walker Percy

The author of The Moviegoer would make a fascinating subject for a movie, or at least a documentary. So reasoned filmmaker Win Riley. His Walker...