Localist Linkfest


First off, I’m filling in for Mike Church on Monday morning again, from 6-9 on Sirius XM Patriot 125. The last hour will be a religious liberty roundtable featuring our own Prof. Deneen, CUA’s Chad Pecknold, Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation, and Jack Jenkins of ThinkProgress. Really looking forward to this conversation, it should be excellent. See the rest of the lineup here, and as always, email me if you have links to include in these roundups at bloom[dot]jordan[at]gmail[dot]com.

Joe Nocera on good jobs

Assyrian Church of the East responds to Chaldean primate’s overtures for unity

David Brooks endorses Charles Murray’s idea of Belmont sending missionaries to Fishtown to fix their families.

A funny effusion of self-consciousness in the Washington Post

This week in Episcopal deathwatch, a startling claim: Does the Omega Episcopalian walk among us? TEC voted to sacramentalize gay marriages earlier this month, further jeopardizing the already strained Anglican Communion. On a happier note, reflections (which I highly endorse) from the Ozarks, and Fr. Christopher Phillips of Our Lady of the Atonement, San Antonio, tells the story of the crucifix at the parish’s outdoor shrine.

George Packer does a great dual review of Chris Hedges and Charles Murray

Pat Buchanan on civil disobedience after the marriage ruling

All for promoting indigenous languages, but this seems unworkable

NYT: “Lincoln was Jefferson’s nightmare.”

Steyn on the censorious sophisticates of Weimar America

BO: Rod Dreher responds to the Benedict Option’s critics. Bruce Charlton has endorsed this post. More on the same blog. David Mills on crunchy Catholics. Gabriel Sanchez has some options. BO for evangelicals.

Pentagon considering lifting the ban on transgender troops

Cornish autonomists disappointed by devolution plans

Journalist with a record of alarmism over Russia games out how war breaks out

Kirkpatrick Sale on the gay lobby

Would Bookchin have been a Second Vermont Republican?

Hawaiian royalists unequivocally rejecting the Department of the Interior’s proposal to treat Hawaiians as an ethnic satrapy is one of the great untold and encouraging stories of this year.

Polyamory is next

Lastly, you’re welcome:

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