1. “A community spans the generations.” Very well-put. We have a birthright to a personal knowledge of the 100 years before us through stories (Grandad tells the children at his knee about his own Grandad) and to these years and also earlier ones through connections in history and the natural and built environment.

  2. Great essay. I was particularly struck by the Burke and Mumford quotes:
    “the first link in the series by which we proceed toward a love to our country and to mankind”
    “Layer upon layer, past times preserve themselves in the city.”

    The trend toward globalization has brought even remote localities an awareness of cultures other than their own. There is an inevitable tension in developing awareness of humanity and retaining empathy with one’s locality.

    The generational layers mentioned by Mumford are really only perceived in hindsight. The enthusiasm for global awareness has led to a horoscope-like labeling of generations with trite names like X, Y, and Z as media “experts” race to pigeonhole cohorts of youth as distinct entities, ignoring the inevitable flow across their porous boundaries.

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