Tag: New Urbanism

The Excellence (and Implications) of Escaping the Housing Trap

All of this only touches the surface of Escaping the Housing Trap’s arguments and only begins the many productive discussions that should—and hopefully will!—follow in its wake. Buy and read the book, and join with your neighbors in talking about how Strong Towns can help make your community a place that can house all who need it.

Joel Kotkin on American Neo-Feudalism

There needs to be a concentration of the real: skills training, middle class and upwardly mobile working class jobs. Replace symbolism with real improvements.

Rethinking the Good City: Vallejo’s Bold Vision

What Americans Want in Cities What makes a good city? I’ve been thinking a lot about this. What makes for a city people are happy...

The Economic Value of Streetcars

Although you would hardly know it today, Baltimore was once a city of streetcars. Crackling densely across the city’s center like fissures in old...

Wendell Berry and the New Urbanism: Agrarian Remedies, Urban Prospects

The problem is a result of the underlying specialization—not of people but of places—for what could be more specialized than designing a town according to discrete zones designated by use?

It’s a Wonderful Subdivision

  Tonight the classic Capra film "It's a Wonderful Life" is airing on network television, as good an occasion as any to re-publish here my...

Notes from the Congress for the New Urbanism

DENVER, COLORADO. It seems like only yesterday that the New Urbanism was really new. But this weekend, with its annual meeting here in Denver,...

Meritocracy, Urban Design, and Culture: Observations from a Friend

PHOENIX, ARIZONA. (Note: this post has two pages, thanks to webmaster Lundy's new-and-improved FPR technology.) I am gratified by the many responses, here and...