
Barack Obama: Socialist?

    Washington DC When President Obama took office in 2009, many friends of capitalism were concerned that he would socialize our economy. Yet corporate profits have...

Conservatism in a Liberal Regime

These essays unite history, philosophy, and social commentary to say something about the ebb and flow of ideas which shape post-modern accounts of who we are and where we came from.

Thanksgiving Reflection II: Modestly Thankful

I am ambivalent about Thanksgiving. Giving thanks is not a problem though I am sure I could show more gratitude especially when stuck behind...

From Building Things to Building Institutions

What struck me most in reading the book was the role of risk-taking and personal leadership in an organization’s founding phase, and the necessity of consolidating and institutionalizing its vision, so that it outlasts its founders. Such lessons have applicability far beyond the world of furniture.

“Like Most Satirists I am a Reactionary”

Native son and caustically loving biographer of our country Gore Vidal  (http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/the-last-republican) has died. Don't mourn; read: Burr, Lincoln, Screening History, Homage to Daniel Shays, United...

At Last, the FPR Manifesto

... where human affairs are conducted as if place really matters, where economic affairs are conceived as if limits really matter, and where political power is exercised as if liberty really matters.

Palmyra, Centurions, and Fighting ISIS from the Bottom Up

The fact that the chattering classes outraged by ISIS’s atrocities would unleash the latter-day centurions of the air so eagerly, while leashing ordinary people so cavalierly, should give pause to those of us suspicious of the modern state and jealous of society’s spaces.

Seeing Our (Non-Cosmopolitan) Selves

Some years ago, some of the folks behind F5, an alternative weekly newspaper here in Wichita, started a different (and, as it turned out,...

BOOMer Goes the Dynamite

Walter Russell Mead takes on the Baby Boomers.

A Tribute to John McClaughry

When a top campaign staffer complained to Mr. Percy that John could be abrasive, John posted on the office bulletin board a brochure from an actual trade group, the National Institute for Abrasive Methods, announcing that he was forming a local chapter.