Tag: fly fishing

Is it Time Yet?

I’d always wondered what woodland flowers had to do with morels and fishing. I’d also marveled about how robins knew when to return north or questioned why certain mayfly imitations work better than others during the opening weekend of trout season. What did one have to do with the other?

Thinking and Writing in ¾ Time: A Few Thoughts on Jimmy...

There are many surprising things about getting older. As I sit on the cusp of my late thirties, staring at that blinking cultural landmark...

The Holy Waters, the Bra Tree, and The Unexpected: A...

And then comes the last kayak, plenty buoyant, and in it a beauty contestant in minimal black swimwear.

Gone Fishing (1)

I called him by the name I thought he deserved to be called by.

Flipping the Woolly Bugger

Finding myself 2000 miles from Montana but with a couple of boys who want to go fishing, we ventured into the brown waters of...

Against Vacation

The vacation, far from being a treatment for a serious illness, is instead a symptom of it.

Norman Maclean and the Question of Craft

"Fear and pity are made out of grammar,” he writes, and in this most particular grammatical unit he finds the fabric of tragedy itself.

A River Runs Through Me

Do you ever long for the place of your childhood? Does it still exist?