Jon D. Schaff

Jon D. Schaff
Jon D. Schaff is professor of political science at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota where he teaches courses on American politics and political thought. He is author of Abraham Lincoln’s Statesmanship and the Limits of Liberal Democracy (SIU Press) and co-author of Age of Anxiety: Meaning, Identity, and Politics in 21st Century Film and Literature (Lexington Books). He lives in Aberdeen with his wife and four children.

Recent Essays

What Groucho Marx Can Teach Us About Liberal Education

The world wearies of defenses of liberal education and the humanities. What cannot be denied is that all over the country the liberal arts...

The Cornhusker Berryian: Ben Sasse’s Argument for Rootedness

It was said of the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) that he had written more books than most senators had read.  Senator Ben...

My Àntonia at One Hundred

Willa Cather is the quintessential novelist of the American prairie.  That distinction comes to her first because she spent her formative years on the...

Review of Suicide of the West

Jonah Goldberg’s Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy, appearing on Amazon and...