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Who We Are
Mark T. Mitchell
Local Culture and FPR Books Editor
Jason Peters
Website Editor-in-Chief
Jeffrey Bilbro
Jeff Polet
Website Associate Editor
Matt Stewart
Website Associate Editor
Adam Smith
Host of Brass Spittoon
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Grant Bonnet
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Michial Farmer
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Roberta Bayer
Grace Phan Bellafiore
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Kenneth Bickford
Jared Bier
Jeffrey Bilbro
Peter Biles
Susannah Black
L.W. Blakely
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Deborah Bowen
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Megan C. Brand
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Alan Cornett
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Elias Crim
Jason Crye
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Rebekah Curtis
LuElla D'Amico
Rev. Fr. Gerard D'Souza, OCSO
Nick Dalbey
Lew Daly
Ben Darr
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Phil Davignon
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Pete Davis
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Antoine E. Davis
John de Graaf
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Addison Del Mastro
David Demaree
Pepijn Leonard Demortier
Christopher DeMuth
Jonathan Den Hartog
April DeOliveira
Frank DeVito
Matthew Dill
Scott Dill
Anthony DiStefano
Emile Doak
Casie Dodd
Ross Douthat
Elliott Drago
Rod Dreher
Conor Dugan
Joe Duke
John Dunn
Josiah Duran
Brad East
Tiffany Eberle Kriner
The Editors
Stephen Eide
David Eisenberg
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Robert Elder
George Elder
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Zoe Erler
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Rufus F.
Victoria Farmer
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John Fechtel
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Sophia M. Feingold
Andrew Figueiredo
Doug Fine
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Joe Flynn
Zephram Foster
Megan Fowler
Douglas R. Fox
Christopher Evan Franklin
Milton Friesen
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James Gallant
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Asher Gelzer-Govatos
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Joe B. Gerber
John Mac Ghlionn
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Matthew Brian Goldman
T. David Gordon
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Robert Grano
Ivana Greco
Robb Greene
Daniel Griffith
Rory Groves
Dan Grubbs
David Gumpert
Adam Gurri
Ed Hagenstein
Jesse Hake
Ashley Hales
Michael W. Hannon
G. Daniel Harden
Gillis Harp
Darryl Hart
Cole Hartin
Andrew J. Harvey
Richard Hawking
Peter Daniel Haworth
Bethany Hebbard
Davin Heckman
David Heddendorf
John-Paul Heil
Max Heine
Stephen Heiner
Anthony Hennen
J.D. Hester
Rachel E. Hicks
Seth Higgins
Joey Hiles
Parker Hjelmberg
Gregor Hochreiter
Joshua P. Hochschild
Austin Hoffman
Thomas Holgrave
Bob Holladay
Carson Holloway
Ryan Holston
Rachel Hoover
Edward Hopkins
Faith Hough
Rebecca Gayle Howell
Rodney Howsare
John Howting
Will Hoyt
Joshua Hren
Alexandra O. Hudson
Kevin L. Hughes
Arthur Hunt III
Callie Huston
Thomas Hydrick
Doug Iliff, M.D.
Zachary Michael Jack
Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen
Eric Jacobsen
Travis Jarrett
Heather Herrick Jennings
Robert Jensen
Austin Jepsky
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Laurie Johnson
Carter Johnson
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Tom Jones
Robert J. Joustra
Brian Kaller
Naystneetsa Katharsia
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Joel Kurz
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Avery Lacey
Keturah Lamb
Christopher J. Lane
Daniel Larison
Jeremy Larson
David Larson
Kevin LaTorre
Meghan E. Lechner
Jeff Lilly
Mel Livatino
Craig Livermore
Matthew Loftus
Max Longley
Allie Lopez
Patrick Losique
Bill Lueders
Stewart K. Lundy
Robert Dean Lurie
Daniel Luttrull
David Lyle Jeffrey
Will Lyon
Joshua Mabie
Zane Mabry
Teddy Macker
Paul James Macrae
Drew Maglio
Randy Maiers
Mary Grace Mangano
Mark Manry
Nathaniel Marshall
Scot Martin
Garrett Martinez
David Masciotra
Marc Mason
Susan Matt
Joshua May
D.L. Mayfield
Graham McAleer
Ted V. McAllister
Lisa McCabe
John McClaughry
Wilfred McClay
Travis McCroskey
Walter A. McDougall
Jared McKinney
Christian McNamara
David McPherson
Susan McWilliams
Wilson Carey McWilliams
Evan McWilliams
Jake Meador
John Médaille
Mark Medley
Allen Mendenhall
Wietske Merison
Howard Merrell
Ed Merta
Philippe Mesly
Nicholas Meverel
Ted McAllister and Michael Ditmore
Hannah Mielke
Elliot Milco
Eric Miller
Brian Miller
Matthew Milliner
David Mills
Mark T. Mitchell
Jonathan Mitchican
Barry Mitzman
J. Cameron Moore
David George Moore
Scott H. Moore
Robert Moore-Jumonville
Heather Morton
John Murdock
Christopher Myers
Sara Nardo
Charlie Nash
Josiah Neeley
Tamara Nicholl-Smith
John Nichols
Nathan Nielson
Christine Norvell
Lucas Nossaman
Christopher Orlet
Joseph Orso
Anthony Oughton
Branson Parler
Evan Patrohay
Joshua Pauling
Daniel Payne
Scott Pearce
Sarah Perry
Jason Peters
Robert M. Peters
Pete Peterson
Ben Phelps
Jared M. Phillips
Patrick Pierson
Mircea Platon
Jeffrey Polet
Christopher Porzenheim
Eric Potter
Jonathan David Price
Zach Pritz
Jessica Prol Smith
Joy Pullmann
Peter Ramey
Dan Rattelle
Daniel Ray
Sarah Reardon
John Shelton Reed
Skyler Reidy
Willis Renuart
Gregory Reynolds
Wesley Rieth
Matt Rigney
Daniel Ritchie
Rob Roensch
Kris Rolls
Liv Ross
Scott Roulier
Alisa Ruddell
Jesse Russell
Richard Rankin Russell
Jason Russell
Gerald J. Russello
Nick Russo
David Ryan
D. W. Sabin
L. M. Sacasas
Reihan Salam
Kirkpatrick Sale
Malcolm Salovaara
Alexander Salter
Jerry Salyer
Gabriel Sanchez
Doug Sangster
Robert Sapunarich
Philip Sasser
Michael J. Sauter
Samuel Schaefer
David Schaengold
Martin Schell
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Joshua Schulz
Chris Schumerth
Adam Schwartz
Paul Schweigl
John Schwenkler
Campbell Frank Scribner
S. Adam Seagrave
Levi Secord
Anthony Selvaggio
Kenton Sena
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Melissa Sexton
Christopher Shannon
Glen Sharp
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Mark Shiffman
Mark A. Signorelli
Doug Sikkema
Sarah Silflow
Jordan Sillars and Nicholas Ziegenhagen
Jacob Sims
Ben Sixsmith
Andrew Skabelund
Rebecca Skabelund
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Collin Slowey
Chris Smaje
Randall Smith
Mary Berry Smith
Nick Smith
Adam Smith
Matthew Smith
Tyler Justin Smothers
R. J. Snell
Christopher Snook
McKenna Snow
Andrew J. Spencer
Tom Springer
Michael St. Thomas
R. M. Stangler
Andy Stanton-Henry
Caleb Stegall
Caleb Stegall
Michael Stevens
Matt Stewart
Cory Stockwell
Doug Stowe
Michael Strand
Bradyn Strawser
Andrew Sutton
Adam Sylvain
Natalie Symons
Jeff Tabone
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Booth Tarkington
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Alex Taylor
Katherine Bliss Teubl
David J. Theroux
Sydney Nichole Thomas
Mike Thompson Jr.
Robert C. Thornett
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Patrick Toner
Lee Trepanier
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Mary Vander Goot
Micah Paul Veillon
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Adam Whipple
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Joseph Wiebe
C.R. Wiley
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Susan Clark and Woden Teachout
Matthew Brandon Wolfson
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Amir Zaki
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Alexander Zubatov
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