Christine Norvell

Christine Norvell
Christine Norvell lives and works in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, as a humanities teacher and as the Upper School Dean for Sager Classical Academy. She’s a senior contributor for The Imaginative Conservative and has also written for The University Bookman, Circe Institute, and StoryWarren. Norvell is also the author of Till We Have Faces: A Reading Companion.

Recent Essays

A Challenge in Charity: A Review of Deep Reading

To counter dogmatic worldviews, we should read prudently and widely across time periods and cultures and not avoid difficult content because of fear.

Work and Leisure: A Pieper Primer

I am convinced that the busyness of our age detracts from our ability to see the worthy work we do, to see ourselves as whole persons. Filling our days does not necessarily lead to fulfillment.

A Journey to Right Worship: A Review of Learning to Love

I was encouraged by Sosler and all the many ways he connected love and knowledge to the journey that a rightly ordered education invites students to take. The infilling of knowledge and wisdom is a gift of God, and Sosler is a welcome guide, the best of docents, for students and educators alike.

Devotion to Whole Education: Booker T. Washington

I think, I know, that Washington exemplified a whole-hearted devotion to his students. He was concerned, as I am, to educate the whole person of the student, not merely to train children to someday earn a good salary or support themselves.

Teaching Banned Books: Huck Finn

The censorship of slavery no longer dictates Huck’s morality. Unlike Tom, Huck has begun to question his society’s standards, to weigh and consider what is just and right, and I hope that by reading this story, my students may follow him in this difficult endeavor.