Josiah Duran

Josiah Duran

Recent Essays

Localist Roundup: American Exceptionalism

According to this piece, online grocery shopping is on the up and up. Meanwhile, this article describes something similar happening with book subscriptions. This article...

Localist Roundup: Congress and Snow

A version of the long-expected farm bill has passed the House of Representatives. This piece sees the bill as an indicator of a good...

Localist Roundup: Anticipatory Shipping

The news has been abuzz recently with Pope Francis's comments that the internet could be utilized to encourage community. Meanwhile, this piece looks for a...

Localist Roundup: Corn as Sugar

According to this piece, American presidents may be becoming more polarizing. Also on the political front, the legally powerless Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board...

Localist Roundup: Local Food and Mathematical Happiness

This piece indicates that President Obama has recently scheduled a meeting with Pope Francis. Meanwhile, this article describes how food hubs help novice farmers turn...

Localist Roundup: Small Parks and Big Data

If the assessment in this piece is correct, President Obama won't shy away from using executive orders to implement his agenda for the year. Meanwhile,...

Localist Roundup: Overconnected

According to this piece, Congress has recently devised a compromise government funding bill. At the same time, the institution seems to be entertaining the...

Localist Roundup: Local Bouquets

According to this interesting piece, school closings in response to the dreaded polar vortex demonstrate that "today we're all wimps." Meanwhile, British cabinet member Owen...

Localist Roundup: Polar Vortex

As I write this, it's cold. On the political front, this piece tells that the Senate recently propelled a unemployment benefit extension past a key...

Localist Roundup: Horse-Drawn Carriages and Portable Churches

This article reports on the continuing saga of legal challenges to NSA data collection. In other court news, as the Affordable Care Act goes...

Localist Roundup: Walmarts of Higher Education

Happy New Year! Tomorrow, the Affordable Care Act takes full effect. In other news, this piece looks at Census Bureau statistics and analyzes population shift in...

Localist Roundup: Farms and Fishermen

Merry Christmas! Last week, the FDA issued a message concerning the new food safety regulations. Meanwhile, this piece speculates about the fate of specialty crops under...