Joshua Pauling

Joshua Pauling
Joshua Pauling is contributing editor at Salvo Magazine, columnist at Modern Reformation Magazine, and has written for a variety of other publications including Areo Magazine, Forma Journal, Front Porch Republic, LOGIA: A Journal of Lutheran Theology, Mere Orthodoxy, Merion West, Public Discourse, Quillette, The Imaginative Conservative, Touchstone Magazine, among others. He is a frequent guest on Issues Etc. Radio Show/Podcast. Josh also taught high school history for thirteen years in the public school setting and is now a classical educator and runs his own business making custom furniture and restoring vintage machinery. He studied at Messiah College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Winthrop University, and is vicar at All Saints Lutheran Church (LCMS). He and his wife Kristi have two children who are being classically homeschooled. On their family homestead of sorts they host "Closer to Home" home-ec and shop class summer camps and workshops to teach the skills of resilient living.

Recent Essays

Recapturing the Real: Physicality, Imitation, and Tradition in a Digital World

Our educational approach should include the validation of physicality, the imitation of the master, and the celebration of tradition.