Tag: Aristotle

Knowing the Place We Call Home

“He who intends to practice economy aright ought to be fully acquainted with the places in which his labor lies…” Aristotle, Economics Aristotle often provides...

For the Sake of the Children

“… but the soul of the hearer must be prepared by good habits to rejoice in the good and hate the evil, just as...

The Trouble with Limits

Modern persons have a problem with limits, three in fact. They want every good thing to be unlimitedly available for their desires, and scarcity...

The Slavery of Women, and Men

“But among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves…” Aristotle, Politics Barbarians can be accused of a number of things, but presumably they cannot...

Parents Ruling by Love and Age

“For the begetter is the ruler by reason of love and age…” Aristotle, Politics Perhaps we do not normally think of parents as rulers. Aristotle...

The Trouble With Goodness

This last September, the Future Symphony Institute invited me to address its first annual conference on some of the philosophical problems in our age...

Who’s Hiding from Whom

“The real nature of things is accustomed to hide itself.” Heraclitus Heraclitus seems to imply that reality strives to veil itself. Is there a latent...

Nothing Incomplete, Nothing in Vain

“Now nature makes nothing incomplete, and nothing in vain…” Aristotle, Politics Sometimes we might wonder about Aristotle. Was he observing the same world we are? One...

Throwing Nothing Away

“Nature like a good householder throws away nothing of which anything useful can be made.” Aristotle, On the Generation of Animals It is delightful to...

Rising at Night

“…and when anything needs doing it ought not to be left undone, whether it be day or night. There are occasions when a householder...