Tag: evangelicalism

Through a Glass Darkly: A Review of Eric O. Jacobsen’s Three...

The lens through which Eric O. Jacobsen views the three pieces of glass that serve as the basis of his book—the windshield, TVs, and phones—is in need of a good polishing.

Love the Evangelist, Not the Evangelism

Most of the reactions to Billy Graham's death yesterday have been, as you might expect, positive, which is welcome considering the way every day...

What’s Paleo About Evangelicalism?

The Baylor University historian, Thomas Kidd, wrote a post recently in his regular column at Patheos about evangelicals who are neither liberal nor comfortable...

American Enthusiasts At The Gates: A Review of D.G. Hart’s From...

D. G. Hart, From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin: Evangelicals and the Betrayal of American Conservatism (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,...

When What We Say in Private Goes Public

All religious groups have their internecine squabbles and the places where such fights take place. They used to be confined to magazines and...

If Cooking Slowly and Growing Organically are In, Why Is Rural...

Any self-respecting Christian should come down a few rungs on his ladder of self-esteem after reading Wendell Berry on the all-too-common view of organized...