
Love and Fear, Expertise and Regulation

Much of the American reading public would be as surprised to find that there was once an environmentalist Right as they would be to...

Picturing Home

Cultivate. Give order. Name. Attend. Reveal. Craft a parable. Homestead. Welcome. In Placemaking and the Arts: Cultivating the Christian Life (IVP Academic, 2018), Jennifer...

The Consumer: Time to Wake the Sleeping Giant

In my first essay here at Front Porch Republic, I wrote about the idea that creation-friendly agriculture is not about going back to old...

Learning to Read “the Book in Front of Us”

As the fall semester looms, the minutia of meetings and syllabi revisions threatens to drain the excitement from my impending return to the classroom....

Mud: Our Alma-Pater

If the institutions that oversee our slow twelve-to-eighteen-year process of education are called our alma-mater (nourishing mother), why can’t the dirt-filled, dung-laden places that convey agrarian lessons taught over 20 years be our nourishing father (alma-pater)?

Can There be a National Conservatism?

Here’s the irony: a growing number of conservatives realize that it will require the assistance of the State to correct many of the problems that have been created by the State that was motivated by progressive commitments against the more local, parochial, and particular.

“Blackest Land, Whitest People”

From here in my long-time Midwestern location, these lots are unshakeable reminders of a place in Texas where a shameful darkness once surrounded a part of my childhood.

The Beehive Plan

A folklife is made up of the food and craft, the local stories, songs, remedies and rumors—relationships that define a place as much as the geology and ecology do.

Against One-Sided Charity: John Chrysostom’s Reciprocal Giving

True charity draws all people, each one gifted and broken, into an interdependent community.

Asceticism is for Everyone

Those who are inclined to agree with Patrick Deneen (and others) that liberalism has indeed failed may ask what way of life would be...