Politics & Power


After the second, town hall-styled presidential debate pundits raved, and perhaps rightly so, about Hilary Clinton’s ability to handle the format. The former first...

Elections Reflections, 2016 (Part 2)

Yes, I know the election was a month ago. What can I say; I needed time to recover from getting everything entirely wrong, didn't...

After Trump #1: Getting Urbanists and Localists Together

So at the beginning of the month, when I finally got my election reflections out of my system, I concluded by re-iterating what I...

After Trump #2: Getting Populism Right

Coming to grips with what the 2016 election means many things, especially for those of us who are hoping to find in Trump's victory...

The Politics of the Pro-Life Movement

A few years ago I wrote something of an irenic essay on the annual, January, March for Life in Washington DC.  I was in...

From the Nut House (And Into the Nut House) the Bar...

They should be required to share a double bed and commit adultery with each other every night—twice if possible.

David Bosworth on his New Book, Conscientious Thinking: Making Sense in...

No one who cares about the condition of our culture can afford to ignore Conscientious Thinking. --Jackson Lears, editor, Raritan

On Dreher’s Benedict Option, the Christians and Localists Who Can Live...

Rod Dreher and I aren't close friends, but like many Front Porch Regulars, I've been blessed with the opportunity to associate with and learn...

Politics as Religion: A Brief Assay Essayed after Midnight

For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; / Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.

Shared Governance and Mandatory Training: The New Incoherence

So long as gravity obtains, sawing off the branch you’re sitting on is never a good idea.