
Warren Oates, Constitutional Anarchist

From The American Conservative---you really should subscribe, you know---my piece (www.amconmag.com/article/2009/sep/01/00050/) on the great Kentucky actor Warren Oates.

Seeing Our (Non-Cosmopolitan) Selves

Some years ago, some of the folks behind F5, an alternative weekly newspaper here in Wichita, started a different (and, as it turned out,...

Conservatives Should Take Another Look at Cohousing

Maybe we can just call it something else, like, “Living with family and friends in a neighborhood designed to encourage the building of social capital, relying on them in real and tangible ways (rather than just manufacturing reasons to occasionally interact with them), and overcoming the isolating dynamics of modern life.”

The Problem of Undertheorized Agrarianism in Most Actually Argued Localism

That's a terrible title for this post, I know. But hopefully it'll make sense, if you actually make it to the end. First of...

Global Citizens of the World: Fly!

How to feel good about yourself on $50,000 a day.

Something’s Fishy–But Not Very–At Dinnertime

Ingham County, MI As darkness falls upon what a friend of mine charitably calls “Jack-Ass Acres,” and as the promise of rain comes with the...

Why We Don’t Believe in Free Will

A quarter of a century ago, Wendell Berry wrote, “the next great division of the world will be between people who wish to live as creatures and people who wish to live as machines.” That division has come, and all must choose on which side of the divide to stand.

Wisdom is Born of Wonder: A Review of Wonder Strikes

A good number of Christian scholars draw first and foremost on Thomas Aquinas for their accounts of beauty. Desmond, though he’s aware of and engages with the Thomistic tradition, has spent much of his career interacting with the thought of Hegel, perhaps most directly, as it pertains to the subject of beauty, in Art and the Absolute: A Study of Hegel’s Aesthetics.

New Symposium on Distributism

Porch readers will be interested in the new online symposium on distributism that is now on ANAMNESIS, A Journal for the Study of Tradition,...

Regional Cities and the Curse of “Glocality”

One of the essential themes in my continuing study of and reflection upon the character and dilemmas of mid-sized cities is their "regional" character,...